Written in Computer Calligraphy, Script, Easy-to-Read Calligraphy.
Text to Arabic
Latin (Turkish) Okun'
Meaning (Turkish Meaning)
Medium Size - 17cm x 24cm
128 Pages
Şmua Kağıt
Yasin-i Şerif İçeriği:
Opening Prayer
Mübîn Duası
Yâsîn Prayerı
Surah Fatiha
Elif Lam Mime
Duration of Yasin
Ownership Duration
Surah Al-Kahf
Prostration Period
Duration of Duh'n
Surah Muhammad
Conquest Period
Rahman Surah
Vâa Duration
Friday Duration
Custody Period
Nâziât Period
Duration of Exemption
Ayet’el Kürsî
Duhâ duration
Induction Period
Tîn Duration
Alak Period
Power of Power
Duration of Beyyine
Zilzal Duration
Texture Period
Asr Duration
Service Period
Elephant Time
Qurayş duration
Duration of Kevser
Duration of Unbelief
Nasr Surah
Tebbet Period
Expiration Period
Disaster Period
Nas Duration
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