The cover is included in the price.
The cover has a glossy black color.
It has a quality plastic structure and is resistant to breakages and impacts. It is durable.
Ştransparent structureı Thanks to this, you can easily distinguish what color the lip gloss it contains is.
The lipgloss product you want to prepare, as you can watch visually in the video below. Sufficient amount of Elito Lip Gloss according to the quantity. Someı Put it in a mixing bowl.
Add colorants and essences of your choice, depending on the color and scent you want to achieve in the final product. You can use the products of your choice alone or use them with different products. By mixing colorant and essence products, you can create lip glosses in different colors and scents to suit your own taste. you can design.
The colorant and essence are completely dispersed in the base and form a homogeneous structure. Mix well with a mixing stick until obtained. 305;your.
Prepared lip gloss üproductü çpine tip feeding şıngası or using a paste pipette, pour the product into lipgloss tubes through the tube. maması Fill it slowly and carefully. Stripper and the tube so that the cover parts can be attached to the tube more easily. Be careful not to fill it to the brim. It is about half a centimeter wide from the mouth. Leave a margin that will remain.
When the filling process is completed, add the liquid liquid. Insert it into the tube by pressing firmly. Then, with sliding equipment. Cover the lid Turn it off. Lip gloss Your product is ready for use. Use our design labels on the packaging of the products you have prepared to gift to your loved ones. #305;şdon't climbı you can try.