Begisa Dinosaur Patterned Sleeping Bag Navy Blue<İ>This product, specially produced for your baby, has international production and safety standards.İ><İ>Begisa Products Fabrics Are Made From Natural Cotton.İ><İ>Does Not Contain Carcinogenic Substanceİ><İ>Snaps and other materials used in Begisa production are anti-allergic.İ><İ>Products produced in Begisa do not cause allergies even on the most sensitive skin.İ><İ>Size: There are 2-3-4-5-6-7 years old in the series.İ><İ>Wash 30 Degreesİ><İ>Wash Begisa Products in Warm Water and Soap Powder.İ><İ>The product is produced in Turkey.İ>