'' adelinspor premium tennis net with tarpaulin on four sides and steel rope : The product consists of 1 tennis net. The product length is 11.5 m and the net width is 1.0 m. (standard tennis net length is 12.85 m , net width is 1.0 m)
5 cm wide high-fiber tarpaulin on all four sides of the 4 mm polyamide rope, which is specially prepared with a mesh width of 5cm*5cm. It is prepared by sewing. The stitches are made with a special thread that is resistant to sunlight. There is a 6 mm insulated steel rope on top. Our product, produced in accordance with standards, is suitable for all professionalIt is suitable for use in competitions and tournaments. All materials used are resistant to sunlight and climatic conditions. In this way, it can be used safely in indoor and outdoor applications.
Our company, which started its production activities in 1992, has played an important role in establishing and determining product standards as one of the leading companies in its sector. ''adelinspor''‘’’’
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We offer you our products with a new vision under our brand. All of our products that you can reach through online sales are:manufacturer's warranty with and It will reach you with its advantage.It strives to meet customer demands and demands with continuous improvement in production and new product types., ,