"If extreme and urban were to converge, it would take the form of Shield. Accented with a screw-styled case that is anchored in the bold personality of POLICE, the watch commands respect. This multifunction timepiece boasts a black transparent dial with gunmetal indexes, setting a bold and confident tone. The unique almost-circular case design further amplifies its standout appearance. With an attitude like no other, Shield propels us to the forefront of innovation and style, without a doubt. The rich brown leather strap with contrast stitching only adds to its undeniable appeal. "
بلد المنشأ الصين
لون عقارب الساعةBlack
الساعة/شكل العقاربدائري
نوع قرص الساعة/الواجهةعقارب/مقابض
"حركة الساعةحركة كوارتز
مقاومة الساعة للماء5.0 وحدة ضغط
إغلاق/ الرباطمشبك للإغلاق
الخامةاستانلس ستيل
مادة السوارسوار من الجلد
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