lt;html gt; lt;head gt; lt;title gt; lt;/title gt; lt;/head gt; lt;body gt; lt;div gt; lt;span style= quot;font-size:12px; " gt;Nbb Non-Padded Bra Black | 3532 lt;/span > lt;/div gt; lt;br gt; lt;ul gt; lt;li gt; lt;span style= quot;font-size:12px; " gt;Unsupported Micro - 90% Nylon 10% Lycra </span gt; lt;/li gt; lt;li gt; lt;span style= quot;font-size:12px; " gt;Unsupported Classic Bra lt;/span gt; lt;/li gt; lt;li gt; lt;span style= quot;font-size:12px; quot; gt;It comes with its labels in its original package. lt;/span gt; lt;/li gt; lt;li gt; lt;span style= quot;font-size:12px; quot; gt;No materials harmful to health were used in its production. lt;/span gt; lt;/li gt; lt;/ul gt; lt;/body gt; lt;/html gt;