Clinically proven dark spots correction, even persistent ones.
SPF 30 and UVA protection for daily sun exposure
Evens out skin tone and prevents hyperpigmentation
Achieves optimal efficacy while ensuring non comedogenicity and very good tolerance even for sensitive skin
Safety warning: Avoid direct contact with eyes.
Precautions: This is not a suncare product. When exposed to intense or prolonged sun exposure, use an adapted sunscreen.
Melasyl has a new and unique mechanism of action. It intercepts excess Melanin before it marks the skin. Validity after opening: 12 months. Always check the manufacturer instructions.
رقم التصميمMb607600
السعة40.0 ملليلتر
بلد المنشأ فرنسا
نوع الحجمحجم كامل
نوع البشرة المستهدفجميع أنواع البشرة
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