You've got the whole youthful-skin thing down pat. But that doesn't mean your complexion couldn’t use a pick-me-up. Created for your skin's different moods, moodmask™ sheet masks treat the problems of younger skin. Basically, they’re here to combat all of your "what the heck?!" moments, to make you look really good.
1 Get Dewy With It Mega Moisture sheet mask
1 Just Let It Glow Healthy Glow sheet mask
1 The Good Fight Clear Skin sheet mask
1 FlashPatch® Rejuvenating Eye Gelmoodmask™
Get Dewy with It: When your skin feels more like sandpaper than silk, it’s time to bring in the big guns. AKA: this moisture-packed mask that delivers a hit of hydration where you need it most. 10 minutes to splashdown.
moodmask™ Let it Glow: Late night + under-caffeinated + hustling 24/7? Your face is giving you away, babe. Smooth on this mask and you’ll look like the ray of sunshine you are in just 10 minutes.
moodmask™ The Good Fight: Imperfections are nothing to bat a lash at, but that doesn’t mean we want them around—and this mask knows what’s up. 10 minutes will make impurities and inflammation disappear, so you can always put your best face forward. See ya, grumpy skin.
FlashPatch® Rejuvenating Eye Gel: Puffiness. Fatigue. Dryness. Enter the fast fix for tired eyes, featuring Caffeine and Hydrolyzed Collagen. Look like you got your full 8 hours every day.