Written in Computer Calligraphy, Script, Easy-to-Read Calligraphy.
Text to Arabic
Latin (Turkish) Okun'
Meaning (Turkish Meaning)
Bag Size - 12 cm x 16 cm
208 Pages
Şmua Kağıt
İnamed Yasin İçcontent:
Quran-ı Prayer Recited at the Beginning of Karim
Surah Yasin
Surah al-Mulk
Surah An-Naba
Surah Prostration
Surah Duhan
Surah Conquest
Surah Rahman
Surah al-Waqia
Surah Friday
Surah Doomsday
Surah Naziat
Ayetel Kursi
Lev Enzelna
Şhehidallahü Time
Surah İnşirah
Surah Asr
Surah Hamazah
Kurayş Time
Surah Mahogany
Surah Kevser
Surah Kafirun
Surah Nasr
Surah Tabbat
Surah Al-Khlas
Surah Falaq
Surah An-Nas
Yasin Duası
Salat-ı Tefriciyye
Salat-ı munciye
Closing Prayer
52. Night Grave Prayerı
Üç Months Prayersı
Esmaül Hüsna
Tevbe İstiğfar Duası
Sayyid'l İstiğfar Duası
İAskhara Prayerı
Hacer Duası
Blessing Prayerı
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